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knox residence

Occupancy Fees 2024-25

For all students – domestic and international. Occupancy fees are the sum of your room fee and meal plan fee.

New Students

Room TypeResidence FeesMeal Plan TypeMeal PlanKnox Residence
Council Fee
Total (residence
fees and meal plan)
Single Room$11,500.00Meal Plan A$6,270.00$20$17,790.00
Meal Plan B$6,800.00$20$18,320.00
Meal Plan C$7,330.00$20$18,850.00
Double Room$10,551.00Meal Plan A$6,270.00$20$16,841.00
Meal Plan B$6,800.00$20$17,371.00
Meal Plan C$7,330.00$20$17,901.00

Room TypeResidence FeesMeal Plan TypeMeal PlanKnox Residence Council FeeTotal (residence
fees and meal plan)
Single Room$10,603.00Meal Plan A$6,270.00$20$16,893.00
Meal Plan B$6,800.00$20$17,423.00
Meal Plan C$7,330.00$20$17,953.00
Double Room$9,108.00Meal Plan A$6,270.00$20$15,398.00
Meal Plan B$6,800.00$20$15,928.00
Meal Plan C$7,330.00$20$16,458.00

Please note that the fees listed on our website are indicative and subject to final approval. Final fee assessments will be conducted in accordance with the applicable policies and guidelines at the University of Toronto. Final fees update will be provided as soon as possible.

All residents at Knox Residence are required to have a Knox Residence Meal Plan. Meal plan fees are additional to the room rate. Meal plan types and fees will be available in a few weeks. Please check back for more details. For information about the current meal plans and the associated fees, please visit the Food Services website.

Fee Schedule 2024-25

Room TypeMeal Plan Type#1 Deposit
(by offer deadline)
#2 Deposit
(July 14, 2024)
Installment #1
(September 30, 2024)
Installment #2
(November 30, 2024)
Total (residence fees and meal plan)
Residence FeesMeal PlanResidence FeesMeal Plan
Single RoomMeal Plan A$1,000.00$1,000.00$5,485.00$3,260.00$4,035.00$3,010.00$17,790.00
Meal Plan B$1,000.00$1,000.00$5,485.00$3,525.00$4,035.00$3,275.00$18,320.00
Meal Plan C$1,000.00$1,000.00$5,485.00$3,790.00$4,035.00$3,540.00$18,850.00
Double RoomMeal Plan A$1,000.00$1,000.00$4,868.15$3,260.00$3,702.85$3,010.00$16,851.00
Meal Plan B$1,000.00$1,000.00$4,868.15$3,525.00$3,702.85$3,275.00$17,371.00
Meal Plan C$1,000.00$1,000.00$4,868.15$3,790.00$3,702.85$3,540.00$17,901.00
Single Room (Returning Student)Meal Plan A$1,000.00$1,000.00$4,901.95$3,260.00$3,721.05$3,010.00$16,893.00
Meal Plan B$1,000.00$1,000.00$4,901.95$3,525.00$3,721.05$3,275.00$17,423.00
Meal Plan C$1,000.00$1,000.00$4,901.95$3,790.00$3,721.05$3,540.00$17,953.00
Double Room (Returning Student)Meal Plan A$1,000.00$1,000.00$3,930.20$3,260.00$3,197.80$3,010.00$15,398.00
Meal Plan B$1,000.00$1,000.00$3,930.20$3,525.00$3,197.80$3,275.00$15,928.00
Meal Plan C$1,000.00$1,000.00$3,930.20$3,790.00$3,197.80$3,540.00$16,458.00

dinning hall at knox residence


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