Summer Residence applications are now open! Learn more and apply.

knox residence hall

get Involved

Residence Committee


Residence Advisory Committee

Are you interested in providing your feedback and input on various aspects of Knox Residence?

As an RAC member, you will have the opportunity to learn about and contribute to plans related to residence operations, facilities, and other important areas.

RAC meetings, held twice a semester, bring together students, Knox Residence Life staff, facilities staff, and Don representatives for constructive discussions.

Applications for 2024-25 are closed as of October 16th, 2024. If there are any future openings this year we will update residents accordingly.

To learn more, please send us an email.

cushion and knitted monkey

meet your 2024-5 RAC team

Natalie Choy Tsz Kiu

Chief Returning Officer

Qixin Guan


Honda Elmestekawy


Pendo Adekeye

Finance Director

Richard Lee

Social Director

Jessie Xia

Communications Director

covered walkway view


Knox Residence Council

The purpose of the Knox Residence Council (KRC) is to serve as a student body, comprising six current Knox residents.

Its primary goal is to represent the interests of all residents and foster a vibrant and inclusive community at Knox Residence. This is achieved through the organization and sponsorship of various social, cultural, and sporting events.

KRC acts as a liaison between members of the Knox Residence community and the Knox Residence Life Office.

To get in touch with the KRC, please contact one of the current Co-Presidents:

Qixin Guan

Honda Elmestekawy

U of T campus

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